Collision Data and Analysis
Duration: 1/2 day

Course Structure
The course looks at STATS19 data in detail including where it comes from, what it contains, all the fields and acronmyns etc. Using real examples we review how to examine and intepret individual records to determine how and where collisions have occurred and categorise them into types. The purpose is for road safety engineering to identify clusters and potential remedial measures.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course participants will:
Have a full understanding of STATS19 collision data
Be able to review and intepret individual collision records
Learn how to cateogise collisions into types
Undertand the limitations of the data
Understand how to look for patterns/trends/clusters with a view to identifying solutions

Sam is the owner and developer of Collision Plot, the UK's leading STATS 19 data software and collision data website. He has extensive experience in analysing collision data for traffic engineering road safety schemes.
The course can be delivered in house either via Teams or in person at your premises for up to 15 people.
Contact for more info and prices