Yellow Box Junctions
Yellow boxes are a surprisingly complicated topic, involving the dynamics of the movement, the physical design of the box and enforcement and appeals legislation. With enforcement commencing outside London, it's vital that the lessons from many years of enforcement in London are learnt and that drivers are not unfairly ticketed with associated negative press coverage. Each box needs to be designed correctly to ensure it is legal, approriate and that every inch of it serves a specific purpose.
Training - Designing and Assessing Yellow Box Junctions
This training is aimed at traffic/highway engineers/planners and is also suitable for those carrying out enforcement. It is accredited for CPD by the IHE's Engineering Academy. It includes:
The offence
The purpose of boxes
The law in regards to design and placement
Many video examples
Key adjudication (appeal) decisions
How to design new to ensure they are exactly the required size
Auditing existing boses
The driver's view
Different junction types
Research into effectiveness
Consideration of cyclists and pedestrians
Setting out, implementation and maintenance
A design workshop including case studies and the opportunity to review boxes in your area.
Meet the trainer
Sam Wright was formally responsible for the design and approval of yellow boxes on the Transport for London network. He has assessed, monitored and designed hundreds of boxes at all manner of junctions. He also has knowledge of over 100 key cases from adjudicators and is the UK's leading expert on the topic. He has written for the RAC, CIHT and appeared in national and international media to discuss the topic. In a recent study for the RAC he found that 90% of boxes proposed for enforcement had issues, revealing the scale of the lack of knowledge on the issue. Read the full report here.
In House training
We run in house training courses for up to 15 people which is more cost effective. Either via Teams or at your office. Contact us for more info and a quote
Design and Auditing
We undertake design of new boxes and auditing of exiting boxes for enforcement. Contact Sam for more info and assistance. Sam is also happy to offer basic design advice for free.